Energy healing practices and their application in life

The soul and structure of the thin human body are primary. The physical body is secondary. All diseases and suffering are caused by a disturbance in energy. For those who have realized it, the road to understanding the essence of miraculous healings opens.
But the disruption of the chakra is not only due to the appearance of the block in this or that energy center, but also due to the leakage of energy. Why does it happen and what is it connected with? The matter is that the energy received by our organism through energy centers – chakras permeates all our thin bodies.
They are connected with each other and have influence on each other. The condition of each of the thin bodies affects the quality of our life and our health. Any deformation, negative, accumulated even in one of the thin bodies can be the cause of energy loss and can lead a person to various diseases, premature aging and various kinds of disorders by fate.
The totality of all energy bodies is called the energy field of a man. There is only a conditional difference between them. Thin bodies are intertwined, superimposed on each other, influence each other and are a single integral energy system, which can be represented as a set of levels of human existence.
Therefore, the deformation of any of the thin bodies affects the whole system and leads to the loss of energy. And this means that only the liberation of human thin bodies from destructive energies can lead to full healing of the whole organism.

Under destructive energies can hide:
- negative energies generated by the individual himself or transmitted by others;
- negative energies caused by severe trauma, from severe infection or poisoning;
- dark entities that have penetrated the human energy field;
- damage or curses (own and others’).
As long as these destructive energies are in the structure of a person’s thin body, the disease cannot be cured. It is necessary to cure the energy field, then the physical body will also be cured. After all, it is not uncommon for those cases when a tumor removed by a surgeon after some time could appear again.
Have you ever wondered why this happens? Because only the material formation was removed, but the energy field still contained the “imprint” of the disease. Its reappearance could only be a matter of time. The tumor tends to manifest itself again in the physical body, obeying the already existing pattern. The healer, working at the level of energies, changes the “pattern” of the organism, making changes in the energy field of the person.
There are seven bodies in total: one is a dense body, physical, and six thin bodies, three of which are mortal.
We will talk about these bodies and how their condition affects our lives.
- Etheric body – contains information about human health, his mental state, has a complex structure, includes energy channels (meridians, nadia) and their plexuses (chakras). The etheric body exactly repeats the contours of the physical body, stores information about all our actions and actions.
- The astral body is our desires, passions and emotions. Negative emotions that we or others feel in relation to us are the creation of destructive desires, they distort the astral shell and disrupt the work of the sacral plexus.
- The mental body is the body of thoughts and will. It can deform itself not only because of our own negative thoughts. It is also affected by the thoughts of outsiders that are addressed to us. If the quality of the message sent in our direction from other people is destructive and aimed at suppressing the will, it will also cause deformation of the mental body and disturbance of the solar plexus.
The bodies described above are the repository of information accumulated in this incarnation and die after the physical death of a person. For some people it is difficult to perceive even the very thought that some invisible energy can be the cause of diseases. However, the negative is a quite real energy substance, which, having been diagnosed, is not difficult to feel: to determine its shape, size, density and even to smell it.
So how is the energy healing session going?
The healer, being the conductor of the energy of the Higher Powers, performs the energy setting, which helps to purify and increase his own energy, and then he directs it to the person, carrying out the process of purification and healing of all his energy structure. The healer, through his method, is able to illuminate the negative and influence it in a certain way.
Sometimes the healing process is complicated by the fact that simply feeding the patient with energy is not enough. In such cases, having detected a clot of foreign energy, I first extract it, and after that fill the area with healing energy. I have to say that energy healing is not a momentary process, it is quite a long one.
The human energy field contains the whole archive of personal memories and experiences of long painful events that happened not only in early childhood, but also in past incarnations. This archive can be conventionally referred to as a repository of “traces”, “prints”, which push a person to those actions, relations, events, and illnesses, which correspond to the program laid in them.
In order for healing to really happen, a healer must be able to identify all these “traces”, “prints” and make changes, which is painstaking and time-consuming work. The healing session itself can be conducted both in person and remotely. The main thing is to establish good contact with a person and directly with that part of the body that needs healing.