Understanding our energy essence and properties

In your daily life, you, like everybody else, from time to time, resort to the help of various specialists – lawyers, doctors, consultants. It’s good when this list includes a healer. You’re going to ask, “Who’s a healer? Is he better or worse than a doctor in a district health clinic, can they even be compared? What is energy healing and when you may need the help of a healer?” The answers lie in understanding our energy essence and properties.
Unfortunately, many people doubt the existence of life force and energy, because they do not see and feel it either in nature or in their own bodies. But when you and I talk about love, for example, we do not need proof that it exists, do we?! Even though no one can see or touch it, everyone knows for sure that love exists and does not require proof in this definition.
So what is the reason for doubts, the existence of the energy component of the world and us? I think the answer is simple – lack of knowledge.
Science doesn’t explain anything, the school doesn’t teach, and various religious figures and healers present such contradictory versions that most people have simply chosen not to know anything about it. But nevertheless we have lived, live and will live in the world of subtle energies that are constantly flowing around us, creating their own currents, swirls, stagnant plants.
If for someone, the proof of existence of subtle energies is important, I will give a description of the experiment, which I read in one of the editions of scientific literature: so, to prove the presence of energy, genetics scientists placed the human embryo in a normal environment for development.
But with the help of special screens protected the room from any impulses and energy signals. A few days later, in a “deaf” for energy room, the embryo tissue began to disintegrate and he died. One more proof that energy flows around us and inside each of us along with physiological processes, and the main thing – you can work with it.

Energy healing reflected in medicine as additional methods of treatment:
- Magnetotherapy;
- Electrostimulation;
- Exposure to pulsed light;
- Acupuncture.
If you really want to be healthy, prosperous and harmonious, it is important for you to know that man is not just a physical shell. He has his own energy field, which consists of several thin bodies. The bodies influence each other and any disharmony in the thin body is the root cause of various diseases or negative situations in human life. By understanding and accepting this, you will be able to avoid most illnesses and get rid of illnesses that you have already acquired.
The solution of many problems not only with health, but also unwanted life situations is behind energy healing. The essence of energy healing is to restore balance at all levels of the personality. I am engaged in energy healing and I know that without an impact on the main cause of the disease, it is impossible to cure and restore health! My experience and my observations have shown that the cause of the disease can be stress, anxiety or negative thinking.
For example:
- The heart suffers from evil;
- The stomach is from constant anxiety;
- The kidneys are sick because of fear;
- The liver is from anger;
- Strong emotional distress, can manifest itself as pain and pass into illness;
- And deep resentment, grief for the departed, unbearable longing or all-consuming anger can lead to cancer.
I can also note other causes of disease – negative energy impact of one person on another, in order to harm health. These are such phenomena as spoilage, evil eye, curse. They lead to diseases and even death. In these cases, traditional medicine can do nothing to help.
After all, an ordinary qualified physician works with physical and chemical processes that take place in the patient’s body and does not touch its basis – thin bodies and thin energies. For an ordinary doctor, there are simply no such concepts as energy field, biofield, energy center, when as a healer, it is one of the most important components of the integrity and health of man.
If a doctor deals directly with elimination of any physical ailment, then I consider a human being as a huge energy system connected with the whole Universe and the surrounding world. As a healer, my area of competence also includes rendering assistance in improving the quality of human life in all its spheres. In other words, it makes absolutely no sense to compare a healer and an ordinary doctor, they are different specialists, with different tasks and different ways of influence.
Through this, the healing of your body and the healing of your whole life will take place in the way that it helps to bring all the energy of your body into harmony. In addition to everything, you will accelerate the processes of healing, along with a feeling of cheerfulness, calmness, peace, optimism.