What do the Qi gong exercises give?

Qigong is a special practice aimed at achieving inner harmony, getting rid of stress, restoring and maintaining health at all its levels. Coming from ancient Chinese medicine, the Qigong system has earned steady popularity in many countries of the world. Special breathing exercises, centuries-old gymnastics and meditative practice – all in correct proportions – are the key to solving a wide range of health problems of soul and body.
The word “qigong” is translated as “work with qi”, i.e. work with life energy, which is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy. Having achieved the required level of skill in this ancient practice, a person not only acquires health, but also gains strength and energy for important achievements in other areas of his life.
What is qigong?
Allow your body to move gracefully and smoothly – and your qigong will flow without obstacles and tone up all vital organs. This is how it refreshes your body and fills the energy tanks.
Qigong includes internal and external practices. The inner one is aimed at managing the Qi energy and getting control over its flows, the outer one is a wide range of physical, breathing exercises and work with your own thoughts.
The external qigong is an alternation of static and dynamic exercises. In the first case, the master retains fixed postures, relaxes body muscles, concentrates on his inner state and performs breathing exercises. In the second case, he performs physical exercises that include elements of self-massage.
Unlike classical yoga asanas, qigong does not require special physical training and therefore is suitable for everyone, regardless of their age and abilities. The main thing here is the desire to improve and work on your physical, emotional health.

According to the teachings of qigong adherents, most diseases of the body are the result of Qi energy problems. Having learned to control its flows and get control over it, you can get rid of these ailments and get reliable protection from their redevelopment.
Who is suitable qigong?
Qigong exercises are simple. The only “difficulty” is that you need to completely relax and move slowly. No stands on your head or twines on your weight. The almost complete absence of contraindications and the availability of gymnastics, even for people with disabilities, are some of the reasons why qigong practice is so widespread.
Gymnastics includes squats, tilts, body turns and hand movements. All exercises are smooth, accurate and do not require intensive stretching or physical exercise. By tilting and turning, the flexibility of the back is developed and the lifting of the arms smoothes and stretches the spine.
Consecutive alternation of exercises and light patting disperses blood and gently warms up the body. It is an ideal choice for people who are sedentary or sedentary. The practice of qigong makes almost all muscle groups in our body work, filling them with energy, preventing the development of stagnation.
What do static and dynamic exercises give?
1.) Removal of psychological, emotional tension, relaxation. Own thoughts – one of the basic materials with which it is necessary to work, performing gymnastics. Qigong requires a complete immersion, ie elimination of extraneous, distracting thoughts. And this is one of the biggest difficulties for beginners who decide to get acquainted with the amazing Chinese practice.
2.) Thought control, concentration. Focusing on exercises allows you to curb your own mind, which positively affects the overall work of the brain, improves attention, develops the ability to focus firmly on any other important task.
3.) Recovery from trauma, illness and surgery. If the rehabilitation period includes physical exercise, qigong gymnastics is the best solution. Smooth, gentle and very light movements will give exactly the load that will be most favorable to the recovery of the body.
4.) Improvement of spinal column condition. Restoration of its mobility, resistance to stress, reducing deformation. There is also a strengthening of ligaments, increased muscle strength, normalization of tone.
Qigong brings great benefits to people who care about the health of the cardiovascular system. Properly performed exercises:
- normalize the pressure;
- equalize the heart rate;
- improve the permeability of blood vessels;
- eliminate the obsessive sense of unwarranted anxiety, eliminate stress.
The effectiveness of the practice has been proven many times, and the fact that qigong has not lost its relevance for more than one millennium, is additional evidence of this. There is nothing surprising about it. The practice does not give you any unique abilities, but simply reveals the natural abilities of your body and teaches you to work with them.
By immersing yourself in a special state while performing qigong exercises, you activate the cortex responsible for the correct functioning of all internal organs. Breathing exercises activates and normalizes the functions of the autonomic nervous system, helping to combat diseases associated with failures in its work. And this is by no means a complete list of positive effects of qigong on the human body.