Yoga exercises and you’re in balance

These few exercises I found from a yoga teacher. Several exercises took about 15 minutes, but every morning! The first serious results – flexibility, lightness of the body, balance of mind and joy I felt during the first two months.
Full description of the technique of these exercises you will soon find. And here I will tell you how to make the whole body work in an exercise. The main thing on what I emphasize: in each pose try to pull the body so that nowhere there are no clamps. Then the energy will flow through it freely and joyfully. Perform exercises from 1 to 3 minutes, trying to level the breath and calm down.
- Mount Pose
Position the Stops Mountain together, hands along your body. The legs are rooted in the ground. You can bend your knees so that the body feels whole, without stressful areas.
The stomach “rests” on the feet – take the weight of the stomach into the feet. Turn the coccyx down and pull the top up to straighten and pull out the spine. Relax the shoulders. Close your eyes and line up your body along a vertical line: your body weight is in the centre of your feet, even above them – the centre of the pelvis, the centre of your chest and the top of your head. Test yourself in the mirror.
- Tree Pose
The pose of the tree. Raise your toes so that your feet are taut and the arches of your feet are raised. Straighten and tighten your knees. Coccyx down, top up. Stomach, solar plexus area, top – all tighten up… Pull up your hands (parallel or palms connected – as you see fit), pull out all the joints. This way your whole body will be involved in the exercise. You will be able to feel the whole body.
- The Pose of the Triangle
The triangle position. Stops – to the side for a comfortable width. Bend over, try to lengthen the side you’re squeezing. To “turn” the whole body, push the floor with your feet, stretch the body crosswise: coccyx – down, top – up, hands – in different directions.
The pose of the hero. The stops are placed rather wide, pull one knee forward, bending it, and the second knee backwards, not bending it. To make the whole body work, push the floor with your feet and pull the body again crosswise. Look – towards the front arm and leg. Do not fall low in this position until you have learned to level the lower back!

- Side Pose of a Triangle
Triangle posture with outstretched side. From the previous position: just lower the body to the front knee with your elbow. You can put your hand on the floor or on a block. Be sure to line up the body with the side you are pulling. If you lower to the right knee, it means you have to draw a straight line along the left leg, left side and arm.
To make the whole body work, we perform the same manipulations: “enliven” the feet, pressing them to the floor and pushing the floor; turn the coccyx down (it’s a bit complicated, but it’s the main element of the exercise). And again, cruciform stretching: coccyx – down, top – up, shoulders – turn. Look – on the palm of the outstretched arm.
- Elongated Side Pose
Position of outstretched side. Very well stretches and warms the legs! Even on the cold floor in a minute your feet will warm up! In this position, place the pelvis evenly, without distorting it, so that the tilt is strictly forward. Turn both feet forward. A common mistake: when it gets difficult, many people bend their knees and tilt the pelvis.
This way they can stand at least a little, but the whole point of the exercise is lost 🙂 It is better to put a chair in front of you and rest your hands on it, but keep your pelvis level! After taking a pose, calm down, lean on both feet evenly, so that both feet are active, and again stretch the body crosswise. Make sure that the neck is not clamped.
- Plow Pose
The position of the plough. Lying on your back, move your hands across the sides behind your head. Make a few rolls on your back and put your feet behind your head with your feet in your palms. Connect the heels. Pull the round back to one side and the heels and pelvis to the other. In order for the whole body to work, you have to create an equal.
- Stand on your Shoulder Blades
I’ll tell you right away, the posture is extremely useful, but dangerous for many. If you work hard, you can hurt your neck and repair it for several months. In yoga they put a couple of folded blankets under the back and neck to avoid putting pressure on the neck. In this pose, first of all, calm down. When this happens, walk around your body and try to pull out all the joints so that there are no clamps or stumps for the free flow of blood, but to be and energy.